New Approaches in Adult Orthodontics for the Treatment of OSA with the Teledontic/ApnoTX and Telegnathic Surgical Assisted Approaches Beyond the MARPE and DOME Procedures
This two-part series was presented at our 2023 Sleep Conference by Joseph Yousefian, DMD, MS. The video series is approximately 50 minutes in length (the specific length for each video is listed below) and each video is worth 1 CME.
Dr. Yousefian graduated from Washington University with, post-graduate training in orthodontics, a dual Master of Science Degree in biology, and physical anthropology at Ohio State University. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and Orthodontics and is in private practice in Bellevue Washington.
He has collaborated with several NIH-funded clinical trials in airway, open bite, and TMJ disorders. He has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University and the University of Washington, and is a guest lecturer at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He is a lecturer nationally-internationally. He has contributed thirty publications in peer-reviewed journals and twelve textbooks.

This video is 33 minutes and 21 seconds in length.

This video is 15 minutes and 08 seconds in length.
This video learning experience will provide an opportunity to earn up to 25 Category 1 CME credits. This experience is powered by CMEfy - an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at the point of inspiration and point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at HTTP://about.cmefy.com/cme-info.